Our Rooms

Celebrating milestones in the Caterpillar Room…

Celebrating milestones in the Caterpillar Room…

Caterpillar room

Our Caterpillars are our under twos.
We welcome children from three months of age.
Our Caterpillars enjoy a dedicated room just for them with a separate sleep room and outdoor play space.
The planned experiences are designed to suit their needs, interests and skills.
The teachers manage the routines to ensure the children have the time and space to explore. The care within these routines is calm, organised and suited to this age group.

A Chrysalis flexing their muscles…

A Chrysalis flexing their muscles…

Chrysalis room

Our Chyrsalis are our two to three year olds.
They enjoy a dedicated inside play space and share the outdoor space with the Butterfly Room.
The Chrysalis sleep in their room with Centre supplied mattresses, bedding and soft relaxing music.
The Chrysalis have a mat time before lunch and other group times and a love of exploring play.

“I have this many” a Butterfly says…

“I have this many” a Butterfly says…

Butterfly room

Our Butterflys are our three to five (six) year olds.
They enjoy a large inside play space with ample room for a wide range of interests and an outdoor space shared with the Chrysalis.
They have a small rest time with books after lunch and planned experiences based on their interests.
Mat times focus on ‘life (school) readiness’ skills and behaviour, numeracy, literacy, listening, and participation.